Swami Hariharananda Sarasvati or Karpatri Ji was respected Vedant Acharya; disciple of Brahmananda Sarasvati; met Yogananda at Kumbh Mela.
He was from Dashanami Sampradaya ("Tradition of Ten Names") is a Hindu monastic tradition of "single-staff renunciation" (Ekadaṇḍisannyasi)generally associated with the Advaita Vedanta tradition.
बुधवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2015
Adi Shankara
शॅंकरम शन्कराचार्यम केशवम बदरायनां.सूत्र-भाष्यक्ऱ्तौ वन्दे भगवंतौ पुनः पुनः
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