रविवार, 29 नवंबर 2015

चलचित्र दर्शन सोमनाथ जी

दर्शन सोमनाथ जी

#दर्शन_सोमनाथ_जी या #ज्योतिर्लिङ्ग_सौराष्ट्रे_सोमनाथं Glimpses of #Shree_Somnath.. Video made by #Vijaygiri_Films Getting extra ordinary response on this video we would like to thanks #Shree_Somnath_Temple, #Shri_Somnath_Trust and especially #Shri_Pravin_K_Laheri and #Shri_Kuntal_Sanghvi to give us this opportunity to make this Video. Above all English words by #Vijaygiri_Bava

Posted by धर्मसम्राट स्वामी करपात्री on Saturday, 28 November 2015

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